Warren Henry Lewis
There are moments of my life that are burned into my memory forever.
I was 14 and developed my first image in my wet darkroom. Yes, the tree that I had printed was kind of blurry and a bit underexposed, but I will never forget the image appearing in the tray of Dextol.
A week previous my dad had given me a Pentax Spotmatic and we went of to Willoughby-Peerless in Manhattan to get a developing kit. I joined my junior high school yearbook, and, as a shy kid, had my prop to navigate the hallways.
Photography has always been in and out of my life. A definite constant. When my girlfriend (now wife) and I spent a year traveling through South East Asia, I carried more camera gear than clothing. Getting closer to the birth of my son re-sparked my interest. I’ll never forget the words my wife said to me just after he was born “Take the damn picture already!”
I had always used photography as a memory device, as well as finding it technologically interesting. I went into digital kicking and screaming and am glad I did. The ability to produce a print in any size, without having to set up a wet darkroom, is still amazing. While I do miss the wet darkroom, I don’t miss the clean up.
It’s only recently that I’ve found my photography “voice”. I view my wildlife photography as a portrait session, and try to capture the essence of my subject.